
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Late summer update: new job, new spending objective

Hi guys, remember? I'm back after 2 weeks of MIA I wrapped the internship of summer, registered for classes, returned my apartment from school, etc. I am happy to say that my work well summer internship and now I have a job after the graduation! In addition, this money pays working liquid (which is something that I have not had during the major part of the school...).

When I received the offer, I went a little crazy with shopping: a Kate Spade bag, a few pairs of shoes, dresses, new lipstick... you get the idea. As I returned to my school and unpacked my bags and reorganized all the things that I could not bring with me for the summer, I realized: I have everything I need in terms of clothes, shoes, electronics, handbags, jewelry, makeup, etc - basically, everything I spend money on the exception of travel.

spending fast goal End of Summer Update: New Job, New Spending Goal

So I made a simple but difficult-to-me target for my part: no shopping for any of the items above from now until the end of this year. From now until December 31, 2013, I won't buy any clothes, shoes, makeup, etc. It's great save money, but more than that, it is to acknowledge the fact that I will be moving next year, and I have too much stuff and I could use a break in the habit of acquiring.

So there. I hope that you all will hold me accountable for this shopping 3 months young. And if you have tips on how to do a spending fast success, please chime in the comments!

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