We understand that it is one thing to work on a project but interviews compensation needs a change of mood, and this solution is specially designed for the same. Listen, we have divided our video interview is divided into 5 main categories:-details of .net training topics here is our video list detailing the .net training issues. All training videos .net go deep with the source code, and then explain the single line that you need to talk during the interview. Base. NET, SQL Server, UNRWA and ASP.NET interview questions and answers. .NET and SQL Server best practice/training interview questions and answers Hi Amit, expected that these issues will be useful, you have these problems for the doc format, that jus copy and paste. Health, CADAATS. # 61607; Exceptions .NET-difference between asp and asp.net-as-if you use components in your application, as do exceptions thrown in a component-can catch exceptions for sandeel block-how to influence a page to aspx code-behind page-what are the types of joints and where can I save when and how-what is the difference between value types and reference-type array reference-type value is the reference of type?? string/type-what is the value of the web.config. Many Web files. config may allow you to use an application-what is the differnce between the machine.config file. config and Web. config-what is shared and private meeting-asynchronous callback-which as unmanaged code writing and how to determine whether the code is managed/unmanaged code.???
-How to authenticate users via the Web. config-what is strong and what tool is used for this-what is gacutil.?exe. Where we store the sn.exe assemblies should be used before gacutil.exe-file assemblyinfo.cs meaning is-what boxing and unboxing-authentication types in ASP.NET-difference between Trace and Debug-difference between DataReader and Dataset-is a custom Web tag. config-authentication as defined on the web.Config-what is the sequence of code during data extraction from the database-DTS-which package of ADO NET would use by default-web.?make config File information? It is stored in the registry? Do-how to register your component or joint dotnet? -Difference between asp and asp.NET-Whis is stateless asp or asp.net? -Types of authentication mechanism dotnet-managing state in asp.net-mode values may contain State Web session. config-WebService-what are the Http handler-what is view state and how this can be done and was present there in asp.? -Types of optimization and mention a few and how? -In relation to the DataAdapter-role characteristics of a data-set is based on the safety-difference between the answer.And Expires expires. Absolute-types of objects in asp-types for the duration of the technical-caching of configuration files and differences in ther-difference between ADO and ADO.NET-in return-if you call three MSF from the window of an application as controls for performance of SPS # 61607; Database-such as normalization-what is an index and index types.?
Many number of indexes can be used close to the table-what is a constraint? Join these types of restrictions: want to code pages-what are merely referential integrity-what is a trigger-what are the different types of joints-what is a self-authentication in Sql Server: what does user-defined stored procedure.??? -What is the trigger-the difference between SQL server 7.0 and 2000-how to optimize a query that retrieves data to be merged 4-tables using DTS-how to disable an index using query select-is faster than the nonclustered index-index difference cluster types of mining-optimization between ISQL and OSQL-how to register an exception directly in sql server?that database replication-optimization by default in oracle and sql server-what is how can I make a single-column like no tables can be combined in the same sql server-coulmns as can exist for each table-on using Sql Profiler HR and experience in projects-de trabajo-how much work.? NET-ready to move-when it will join you-you have to change the current organization-why join Accenture-what are your weaknesses/improve-what their project and their responsibilities-made database design/development-what is acid # 61656;?? Microsoft now (projection)-accounts-tell us about your work experience-say on projects--talk about your project and your role in it-what is your current salary for technical analysis # 61607;.NET-how you handle ASP and ASP.NET-how to handle the ASP.NET session management and like you? How do you in SQLServer mode. -What are the different types of authentication. How to retrieve the ID on windows-to control authentication server, must have the same properties as maxlength, font size and color helped through the application. How you handle this. -What is the custom control. What is the difference between custom control and user control-what is the syntax of the data grid, and specify the columns-a javascript function as an adjunct to a link in a DataGrid button.??
-No support c # do multidimensional arrays-transpose rows into columns and rows in a multidimensional array-what are object-oriented concepts such as creating multiple inheritance in c #-ADO and ADO.NET-differences features and drawbacks of datasets-is the difference between ActiveX control & dll and-as validations-would you like reflection and disadvantages of reflection-what is boxing and how to do it internally-IIS authentication types-what are the security issues if we??? the disadvantages of query components application-difference between ByVal and ByRef-COM-how to invoke application requests-provider and namespaces that are used to access the oracle database-load the XML document and perform document validation-you can access the elements of the XML document-what is ODP.NET-types in ASP.NET session Management-the difference between datareader and dataset-what are the steps to connect to the database-how to sign an Assembly using the .NET-Web file. config-Remoting and web services. Difference between them-caching techniques in .NET-words CLS and CTS-possible overloading in WebServices-difference between .NET and the previous version-chaching. How to implement validation of Bewitched-ASP.NET-cache functionality. If the client or server side validation is better-how to implement multiple inheritance.NET-difference between MLM and multiple-inheritance difference dataset and datareader-what are the runtime host-what is an application domain-what is viewstate-CLR, reflection and mounted-difference between .NET and COM components-is assemblyinfo.cs consists-types of objects in ASP # 61607???
Database-what are the blocks in stored procedures-how to handle exceptions? Give the syntax to do this-what is normalization and types of standardization – when to denormalize: the difference between an application and a stored procedure-clustered and nonclustered indexes-types of joints-what is how do I get all the records from two tables.? Do you think such use-types of optimization – difference between online and stored procedure query # 61607; Related project-talks about his current project-talk about your role-what is harder than that found in development-many times you get in contact with the customer-with this, contact with the customer-what is making the process followed-to explain the process followed to develop-it is the model used for the development life cycle-how to communicate with team members-tell have excellent skills?? -If the customer makes a change and the demand for preterm birth. What will. How do you meet the requirements and where you can register. Is in word/Excel or have all the tools to do so-what is the stadium in which the code is delivered to the customer and being tested. -What are the different phases of the SDLC-how to change requests-as-possible impact assessment how to write unit test cases. -In the current architecture of the project # 61656; Keane in October 12, 2003 technician # 61607;.NET-writing stages of data recovery with ado.NET-call a stored procedure in different server parameters-various types of validation in asp.net-ado.net and passage.Operation and Response. redirect-which Flush-Flush method is executed on the server.?Operation-what is the need of clinet-say in Global. .asax files-and server-side validation using the variable and when initialized-Web. config-can write a page in c # and the other in a single application-when you call the web.?config-review combien. config can have an app-language as web definition. cofig # 61607; Yourrself rate Database in oracle and sql server-is E-R diagram e-r diagram drawing for many in several-designed databaseraw er diagram for a given scenario (as much as the author of many books)-main key and key differences-normalization-what is the difference between the nested query Querry and under investigation-index in oracle-retrieve the record for a crowd to many-Querry for max and max in oracle in a second? querry-write a simple stored procedure and passing parameter # 61656; Digital Globalsoft technique # 61607;.NET-difference between dll and .NET assembly-would be what is the machine.config file. config and Web. config-WSDL-speaking their various attributes and web methods-what is clear-cache-types formed which connection string-where to store the connection string-what is the difference between session state and session-variables like session values a page is transmitted to another-which means the WSDL ports-what is the DataSet and talking about??? its characteristics. What are equivalent to the above methods, etc, ADO in ADO.NET-what is an abstract class-what is the difference between interface inheritance and class inheritance-would that kind of collection-which namespace is used for encryption-what are the different authentication mechanisms in ASP.NET-it is the difference between authentication/added privlage-what are the types of threaded models-how to send an XML document from the client to the server-how to create DLLs.???NET-what is inetermediate NET-language-what is CLR and how to generate native code-we can store ID information in the database and dynamically loaded-est.NET oriented?? What are the legacies. NET.? -It's not the strong name and what is the need of the benefit-not a problem in the DataSet and reflection-.net-runtime host-what is sent as a DataReader object as a parameter to a remote client-you can consume a webservice-what happens when you add a reference to the Web service-like refers to a private and shared Assemblies-what is the purpose of the namespace.???EnterpriseServices-.net remoting-remote webservice-technically statemanagement versus types-how to register a shared Assembly-stateless and statefull all webservice-appeler.net of components as com components, giving the sequence-how to control error handling dataset values-about how the soap messages sent and received in the webservice-boasting how-.net Framework 1. do 1-no problems in permissionevent vs.et-technical description of uddi and disco-optimization-such as ado.? net uses the internally-oops XML serialization concepts-suppliers of the disadvantages, which allows you to connect to the oracle database? # 61607; Database-# 61607 joints; General-what are the different life cycle template in the development of s/w # 61656; Infosys tech # 61607;.NET-one estimates in .NET-what is stored in the cache and cache memory types – makes VS.NET contains-such as JIT, what are the types of ECE and its purpose-what is SOAP, WSDL and UDDI-what is a dataset # 61607;??? Database: how to optimize queries # 61607; General-account work-and we talk about current project-what schemes, sequence diagrams, collaboration and the difference between them-what is its role in the current project and manage what types of responsibility-what is the size of the team and how to ensure the quality of your code-which model s/w used in the project.??? What are the optimization techniques. Give examples. -What are the SDLC phases involved # 61656; Satyam technician # 61607; .NET-network-type wire media types in models and their use-CDATA and PCDATA difference in XML-what is XML, which version of XML parser api Assync u worked with difference-ASP-object types between application and session-what is the virtual directory of the web application-web applications share a session variable and application-if I have a page that instantiates a? Make DLL and without any method call you can send values to the following page-Diffeernce between active DLLs and EXEs-dictionary can be created within the customer? -With respect to MTS's purpose-and write a query and SP, which is better-have a component with 3 parameter and distributed the next customer, now changed my method of dll that accepts the parameter 4.How to implement it without changing the code's clent-as a multithreaded application-about us Global asax-MTS-pool if cookies are disabled in the browser is opera clinet of session-XSLT-associate an XSL for XML in the presentation of the output-what is XML-as your SSL-enabled website-worked in IIS adminisdtration # 61607.?? Database-DD # 61607; History-HR DD-General of school-all jobs-work experience-current salary, because they are looking for a change and notice-strong vertical society, clients, domains, etc.-Note in several areas www.NET and SQL # 61656; Cognizent technician # 61607; .NET-says Response. and a repsonse. flush buffer-data sets and data mining--using htmlencode and urlencode-using server variables-how to find the browser-style client-how to catch errors in ASP and how to call it an ASP component # 61607; Make database-on the types of indexes in SQL server – difference between write SQL queries and stored procedures for use in DTS-how to optimize a Sql query # 61607; Fits in the general tariff-Dfs.? NET and SQL-about 5-current project process and the role of HR-any level of training, experience and working area # 61656; TCS technician # 61607; .NET-.NET architecture definition-ADO.NET and XML web services in architecture-what is MSIL-types of JIT and econo-JIT-is CTS, CLR-COMPLIANT and uses CLR-difference between ASP and ASP.NET-webservices, would of his attributes. Where are available: the UDDI and how to register for a web service-no UDDI, you can access a web service-remote control is exposed as a web service with the outside world-what is boxing and unboxing-WSDL and disco files-what is web.??config and config-what is the difference between ASP and ASP.NET-isn't the data set and uses the data-what does ADO.NET??? -What is composed of different authentication mechanisms in ASP.NET-you mean with Passport and windows authentication-what is an Assembly and manifest non-what is a strong name and what is the purpose of name-what are the different types of joints-difference between.???NET and c #. Which is faster-cache-WSDL types-what is stored is the main feature of the OAD.NET to ADO-like database is offline — makes the following statement works correctly: Response. Write (I = + value);? What is ODP.NET-what to do with available providers-VS.NET is a process-which is required in the web-service is generated as a proxy for a web service-proxy-what are static and dynamic assemblies assemlies.??? Differences between their # 61607; Database-what are the types of locks the trigger types-types of databases-index. What the default key created when you create a primary key for a table-what is clustered, non-clustured and a unique index.? I do many indexes can be created on a table-can create nonclustered index clustured on a clustered index-backup types-what is trigger-do are the difference between stored procedures and triggers instead of.? And the benefits of SP triggers — what is DTS and DTS purpose-to write a query to obtain the maximum salary 2nd in an employee-types of joining tables.? -What is the theme of the database-what are nested triggers-what is a memory segment associated with the database # 61607;?? General HR-notice about yourdelf-procsses--evaluation process-what SOAP is and why you should-then everything about the estimate of effort-negotiable salary-because they are looking for a change-fo evaluate a person-think CMM process takes time-words of peer reviews-as communicates with TL/PM/on-site team # 61656;?? DELL technical # 61607;.NET-disadvantages in the Dataset and the activex dll-reflection difference Activex and dll, Exe-active can also run certain processes such as reviews. What can we do? -Compatabilities and explain types-creating instances of property types and explain each one. The difference between multi-purpose, singleuse and globalmultiuse and is by default-what is Parliament? -Difference between COM and net-what is early binding and late binding. Except that it's better-what happens when you create an instance of a COM component-what happens when we create an instance of a component.NET-is aware of containment and aggregation-that the UUID and GUID is the size of this ID??? -The interface Iunknown, Addref interface Querry, liberation and Explane methods queue every-thing ll in association-and late-bound method will be invoked by the com component will check for the existence of s in the system or not? -Difference between static and dynamic consultation consultation-performance issues in document retrieval on ADO-and its subjects-what is the unmannaged and the CLR code responsible for this type of code or not. # 61656; MMTTS technician # 61607; .NET-all .NET Framework-assembled context. NET collection types, their difference, to enroll in the GAC. How to create names and their usage. What is running at the side? -Serialization? -Life cycle of ASP.NET page when a request is made. S ' there is no enter key in one of the two says the sequence if there is action clicks and form is specified as another page. -In access identifiers and type of access to identifiers. What is overloaded and how this can be done. -How to declare and use connection strings in the Web.config file. config. -Web. copnfig how much can exist in a web application and use. -For .NET Remoting and remote-access virtual functions and types of use. How to implement network-inheritance into objects and components of ado.NET. Using data adapters and indicate the procedure to retrieve the data. -Which means the CLR, once you have created an Assembly-how to retrieve information from the web.config. -How can declare delegates and delegates and events to the same and explain how to declare the delegates and invoke them. -If you want to override a method 1 of class A and class b, then I would be like? -What is CLR after it is generated and machine language are generated.He will try main-in friend and multi-level protected by multiple inheritance and method how to accomplish in .net-sequence to connect to and retrieve data from a database the DataSet-sn.exe useig what was the problem in the traditional side-by-side execution supported in network-like the assembly.NET are registered as private and shared with all types of access specifiers for classes and methods in ODP.NET-types of assemblies that can be created in dotnet-news-OOPs concept-CLR namespaces in HR & project-sobre-asunto of present employer-knowledge-what kind of work waiting-what is current and anticipated is negotiable-it can justify why r I expected more in terms of professional-looking thing Of,,.
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