we had a dramatic event in our home over the weekend. A couple of friends and their families had decreased by watching a movie. One of their children wanted some popcorn. Therefore this toddler head to our kitchen, put the popcorn, press 22 instead of 2 minutes and rushed out of the kitchen.
Soon the smoke alarm has exploded, and we rushed to the kitchen. There was smoke coming out of the microwave oven. We immediately unplugged the microwave oven, turned on our kitchen exhaust fan, has burned popcorn and waited patiently for the smoke clear.
So far so good, but there were a couple of tough questions. First of all, the whole apartment had a burning smell. Secondly, the walls of our microwave had yellowed and there was a terrible smell burnt inside. We couldn't think using microwave, because the burning smell seems to be sitting inside its ventilation holes. In this State, if we warm up food in the microwave it would be infused with the acrid smell of burning. The obvious question is: ' how to remove the smell of burning of an oven microwave? ''
We used scented candles, incense sticks and bouts of fresh air for car smell of burning of popcorn from our apartment. He worked, because the odor has decreased considerably far.
To return to our microwave, we spent some time searching out ways to eliminate odours from him. The base method seems to revolve around mixing various solutes in a solvent such as water, heating the mixture in the microwave and it to remain there for some time. After this, the microwave oven should be cleaned carefully.
Before you begin, we took a few paper towels, dip them in a mixture of water and lemon fresh (pressed) and clean microwave with diligence. Then we wiped it. Then, we took a safety Microwave Bowl and filled with water. After that we tried several things, based on your comments and/or suggestions to friends, neighbours and the internet.
Boil water: one of our neighbors is a technician of maintenance for different devices. He suggested that we should do to boil water in a large bowl for about 10 minutes, without letting the water evaporate completely. This would help the microwave fan to circulate the burning smell and it ends up chasing the ventilation holes. It worked to some extent, but the strong smell of burning was still there. Water & lemon/lime: we put a few pieces of lemon freshly cut in a bowl of water, cooked until the water boiled and it allowed to sit in the microwave oven until cooled water. This tip filled our microwave with a subtle lemon smell, but the smell of burning was always irresistible. Perhaps it would have completely worked if repeat us this step several times. But we chose to try some stronger perfumes.Water & Borax: Then, boil us water with a tablespoon of borax and some dish SOAP. The net result was better than that of water & lemon fresh :).
Water, cinnamon, cloves & vanilla extract nails: we took a spoon teaspoon ground cinnamon, cloves and vanilla extract and mixed them in a bowl of water. Then we have cooked this mixture and allowed him to stand in the microwave for about half an hour. We repeated this step about a half-dozen times. After each cycle, we left the microwave door open for a while let the air out. It worked!Some other solutes (perfumes) that might work when it is mixed with water are vinegar or coffee. However, experiment us with them. Since we tried one thing after another, we do not know what solution would have worked alone. But we have the feeling that each of them helped to weaning at the smell of burnt by some degree.
Our microwave still has a slight burning smell, but we believe that it will go away with time or maybe a warming over the cycles of our favorite blend of cinnamon, clove & Vanilla with water.
Our history is not even more. The walls of the microwave oven were always yellow and no amount of dishwashing detergent or SOAP could restore its original white color. Another tip from a friend who went through this dilemma has helped. She suggested that wet us some cotton balls or small pieces of fabric/cloth with a nail polish remover and use them to clean the walls. We did as she said. This removed the yellowish tint to a certain extent :).
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